About Us


Peak Promotions Pty Ltd trading as THE PEAK AGENCY has offices located in the north west of Sydney and also comprises the office of Kirkland-Morris Management Pty Ltd.

The Peak Agency operates the primary services of;
Performer Representative (Agency)
Performer Representative (Management)
Venue Representative

Kirkland-Morris Management Pty Ltd is a projects based operation involved in various fields in and outside of live entertainment.

Peak currently has a staff of 4 with administration handled by a mix of external accounting services and casual staff…

Maree Kirkland-Morris  (Director) https://au.linkedin.com/pub/maree-kirkland-morris/31/b91/3a5

Tim Kirkland-Morris  (Director) https://au.linkedin.com/in/timkirklandmorris

Riley Miedler  (Entertainment Consultant)

Miriam David (Accounts)

Antoinette (Admin)